Monday, March 23, 2015

Game Updates

Some sad news on the current status of my games. The LotFP game imploded due to interpersonal drama. It turns out one of the players had a history that the other players and I were not aware of and it made some of the group uncomfortable. Additionally, one player was not all that keen on traditional fantasy RPGs. So that game won't be continuing in its current form.

On the 5th Edition front, the streamed game will be continuing after a one week hiatus due to me having a bit of flu. That game, barring unforeseen events, will be live on at around 8:20 eastern time today, Monday March 23.

I've got to run off to class, so I haven't got time for a full post right now. However, I plan to start updating this blog more frequently in the coming weeks. Hopefully I'll also have some news to share soon regarding a possible panel I may be involved with at a convention I attend each year.

EDIT: D&D stream is rescheduled to Wednesday

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Updates on Ongoing Games

Last time I talked about my experience running my very first LotFP game, and mentioned that I would be starting a livestreamed 5e game. Now it's time for updates.

In the LotFP game, I got two more players, and they now have cleared the Tower of the Stargazer. They raided its treasure vault using the power granted to one of the players through use of one of the magic mirrors in the workshop. Then they went back to town and bought some property and managed their new spells. They now plan to return to the tower and make it their home base, which should be interesting. I think they're also planning on stealing the Star Crystal back from the noble they sold it to so they can try to use the telescope. In all, I'm not sure I'm gonna need to buy or write another adventure for some time. They're entertaining themselves with things they've already found. That said, I already have a full adventure planned for them (more on that later).

The D&D 5e game went swimmingly. If anyone is interested in watching, we play on Monday evenings (8:20 EST/7:20 CST) and can be watched on my channel (as a note, I mostly stream non-D&D content, so if that's all you're interested in, make a note of those times). Our first session was last night, using characters generated last week. The dungeon is written by me and we're using my hand-drawn map that I've scanned in and uploaded. Much fun was had as one of the players attempted to ram a crossbow up a bandit's rear as her friend lay bleeding on the ground.

A note about the dungeon I'm using in the 5e game: I plan on running this dungeon in the LotFP game and a Dungeon World game I'm running later in the month for a friend and his son. After that, I will be typing up a full revised version and publishing it here for anyone to use. The key will be game-neutral and I hope people will enjoy it. I'm putting a lot of work into this dungeon, so I want at least one person to give it a go.